Foreign Policy: Europe
The following page contains our research on Europe.
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Understanding US Relations with Switzerland: Key Insights into Trade, Diplomacy, and Strategic Interests.
Introduction Switzerland, known for its neutrality, abstains from military alliances and international conflicts, playing a significant role in global peace and diplomacy. It

Understanding U.S. Relations with Germany: History, Trade, and Strategic InterestsÂ
Introduction Germany is the largest economy in Europe by GDP. Its diplomatic ties with the United States play a significant role in ensuring

Introduction to U.S.-Spain Relations
Quick Facts Introduction Spain’s shift to democracy in 1978, solidified by its new Constitution, also signaled a move from isolationism to greater international

Introduction to US-Ireland Relations
Source: CIA World Factbook Ireland, known as the Emerald Isle, is home to more than 5 million people and boasts a rich and

Introduction to NATO Peacekeeping in Kosovo
Kosovo is a highly contested area between Serbians and Albanians,who both view Kosovo as ancestral land. Control of Kosovo passed between the Ottoman

Failures and Successes of the Paris Agreement
Introduction The Paris Agreement, passed at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in 2015, is an international legislation addressing climate change. Though

Introduction to the New Transatlantic Agenda
Background Following the Second World War, the United States and Western European powers have built a strong relationship based on shared values such

Pros and Cons of 2023 NATO Military Aid to Ukraine
Introduction The North Atlantic Trade Organization, NATO, has maintained a strong relationship with Ukraine since the 1990s. NATO allies uphold that Ukrainian sovereignty

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and US-EU Relations
The Inflation Reduction Act The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) was signed by President Joe Biden on August 16, 2022. The bill

The West Sanctions Russian Energy
West Sanctions Russia to Deter Aggression Against Ukraine The United States and its allies imposed sanctions on Russia when the country annexed Crimea

Ukraine and the Changing Transatlantic Security Order
The Shadow of War Returns to Europe The post-Cold War security environment in Europe was characterized by the diminishing influence of Russia, which

Introduction to U.S.─France Relations
Introduction France is a founding member of NATO, the European Union, and holds permanent membership and veto power on the UN Security Council.

Introduction to US-Serbian Relations
Source: Encyclopedia Britannica Serbia, a country of over ten million people with a unique cultural background and ties to two different global powers,

US Response to the EU Energy Crisis
Over the course of the past six months, the United States committed to several EU-U.S. trade agreements to support the European economy in