Could Joe Biden Be Replaced as the Democratic Party Presidential Nominee?

Can Joe Biden be Replaced

After his performance in the first debate of the 2024 presidential election, President Joe Biden is now facing calls from those in his own party to step down as the Democratic nominee. These calls to step down come after months of Republican lawmakers criticizing the president’s mental ability and stamina, as well as Special Counsel […]

Understanding the Primary Reform Debate

Understanding the Primary Reform Debate

In the U.S., elections typically start with party primaries, where members of each political party select their candidates for the general election. There are two main types of primaries: closed and open. In closed primaries, only registered members of a party can vote in its primary. Open primaries, on the other hand, allow all voters […]

Understanding the Ranked-Choice Voting Debate

Understanding the Ranked-Choice Voting Debate

In the United States, voters typically choose single candidates on their ballots, and the candidate who receives the most votes wins. In a ranked-choice election, voters instead rank candidates in order of preference. After the election is over,  only first-choice votes are counted. The candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated from consideration, and the […]

Trump vs. Biden: An Unbiased Analysis of the Presidential Debate 2024

Trump vs. Biden: An Unbiased Analysis of the Presidential Debate 2024

Updated July 3, 2024: With Highlights from Independent Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s “The Real Debate” live-streamed by Elon Musk on X For the first time in 1,336 days, President Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump faced off in the inaugural debate of the 2024 presidential election cycle. This historic event marks the first […]

Pros and Cons of Voter ID Laws

Pros and Cons of Voter ID Laws

Introduction Before 2006, U.S. states did not require voter identification at the polls; it was only necessary when registering to vote. However, Indiana introduced a law in 2006 mandating ID at the polls, which the U.S. Supreme Court upheld, ruling that securing elections justified the requirement, provided the laws were neutral and did not significantly […]

Understanding the Electoral College Debate

Understanding the Electoral College Debate

Background During American presidential elections, news coverage focuses on the “270 to win” count rather than the actual majority of individual votes that candidates receive. This is due to the fact that presidential elections are decided by a system called the Electoral College, in which a candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win the presidency. […]

Pros and Cons of TX SB1933

Pros and Cons of TX SB1933

Introduction Since 2022, legislatures nationwide have been passing legislation to secure election processes. In 2023, eleven states passed voting laws that make voting more restrictive to ensure the integrity of the election process. One of these laws is Texas’s Senate Bill 1933. The 2023 bill allows the Secretary of State to control an election within […]

Voting Process: From Ballot to Inauguration

Voting Process From Ballot to Inauguration

So, you figured out registering to vote, now HOW do you vote? With voting laws mainly being determined by state and local governments, understanding the voting process can be complicated. There are three main ways in which you may be asked to cast your vote: hand marked paper ballots, ballot marking devices, and direct recording […]

Local Government Roles 

Local Govenrment Roles

Overview: Local governments get their authority to rule only as it is granted by the state. They are the closest form of government to the people, therefore they have a deep understanding of their community’s unique challenges and priorities. They have the authority to enact laws, regulations, and policies tailored to the specific needs of […]

Student Voting

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

Reading time: 1 minute

Students consistently vote at lower rates than the rest of the country. This One Pager discusses obstacles to student voting, how campuses increase turnout, and why some are opposed to students voting in their college communities.