The impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act? The ADA, passed in 1990 under President George H.W. Bush, ensures equal opportunities and access for people with disabilities. It defines disability as an impairment that significantly limits a “major life activity,” such as breathing, walking, talking, hearing, seeing, sleeping, self-care, manual tasks, and working. Individuals qualify for […]
Understanding the Critical Race Theory Debate

Critical race theory began as a legal concept that explained how policies can be used to enforce a system that benefits white individuals while ignoring minorities and people placed at an economic disadvantage, focusing on systemic effects of racism. In public K-12 education, critical race theory can be defined as a method of teaching that […]
Food Security and Local Food Production

Background Generally, local food production refers to systems in which food is produced, distributed, and consumed within the same area. However, there is debate within the local food movement about this definition. For example, some call for local food systems to expand distribution—to sell food outside of the boundaries of the local community—while others fear […]
Enhanced Interrogation Techniques

What are Enhanced Interrogation Techniques? Enhanced Interrogation Techniques refers to interrogation methods employed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) on detainees at remote detention centers, including Guantanamo Bay. These interrogation techniques were authorized shortly after the 9/11 attacks with the goal of extracting intelligence from suspected terrorists. During these special […]
The Persecution of Human Rights Defenders in Latin America

What Are Human Rights Defenders? According to the United Nations, human rights defenders “individually or with others, act to promote or protect human rights in a peaceful manner.” This often takes the form of monitoring governments and businesses to bring attention to human rights violations and crimes, defending vulnerable populations, and advocating for environmental protection. […]
Preventing Crime Through Rehabilitation

Reading time: 4 minutes
How is Green Gentrification Furthering Disparities in Urban Renewal?

Reading time: 3 minutes
Preventing Crime Through Deterrence

Reading time: 4 minutes
Preventing Crime Through Incapacitation

Reading time: 4 minutes
Closing Guantanamo Bay

Reading time: 3 minutes