The West Sanctions Russian Energy

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

West Sanctions Russia to Deter Aggression Against Ukraine The United States and its allies imposed sanctions on Russia when the country annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014. The US believed annexation threatened to reverse post-Cold War borders in Europe and endangered security, the rule of law, and human rights in Europe and beyond. However, the […]

Introduction to Corporate Average Fuel (CAFE) Standards

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

Overview of CAFE Standards Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards are government-set standards regulating how far vehicles should be able to travel on a gallon of fuel. The three different classifications of vehicles, light-, medium-, and heavy-duty, have different CAFE standards. Higher standards mean vehicles should be able to travel further on a single gallon […]

Ukraine and the Changing Transatlantic Security Order

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

The Shadow of War Returns to Europe The post-Cold War security environment in Europe was characterized by the diminishing influence of Russia, which saw its former Warsaw Pact allies gradually integrated into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU). Russia under President Vladimir Putin considered this expansion detrimental to its security […]

Introduction to the Child Tax Credit

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

Introduction The Child Tax Credit (CTC) is a tax benefit granted by the government to American taxpayers for each qualifying dependent child under the age of 18 at the end of the tax year. The CTC provides money to support American families by making it more affordable to raise children and by helping them save […]

Introduction to U.S.─France Relations

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

Introduction France is a founding member of NATO, the European Union, and holds permanent membership and veto power on the UN Security Council. France has influence in all three of these organizations, as well as an extensive military, with the world’s third largest nuclear arsenal. It maintains a strong diplomatic presence across the globe and […]

California Senate Bill 10: Ending Cash Bail

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

What is Cash Bail?  When a person is arrested, cash bail is the amount of money arrestees must pay in order to leave custody before their trial. Bail is used as collateral to incentivize arrestees to attend their trial, and this amount of money is assigned by a judge. When assigning bail, judges take into […]

Healthcare Provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

Introduction In resuscitating the previously stalled Build Back Better Act, the Senate Democratic Caucus has reached a reconciliation passage consisting of investments in climate/energy, IRS enforcement, deficit reduction, and healthcare in the 725-page Inflation Reduction (IRA). While the $300 billion is far from the original agenda that President Joe Biden had envisioned when Democrats regained […]

Introduction to US-Serbian Relations

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

Source: Encyclopedia Britannica Serbia, a country of over ten million people with a unique cultural background and ties to two different global powers, is a key player in US foreign policy. Serbia is a country that has existed as the battleground between Europe and Asia. Serbia was part of the Austria-Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Empire, and […]

Enhanced Interrogation Techniques

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

What are Enhanced Interrogation Techniques?  Enhanced Interrogation Techniques refers to interrogation methods employed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) on detainees at remote detention centers, including Guantanamo Bay. These interrogation techniques were authorized shortly after the 9/11 attacks with the goal of extracting intelligence from suspected terrorists. During these special […]

The War in Yemen Part 2: US Response

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

U.S. Response U.S. involvement in Yemen is multifaceted. Primarily, Washington has been engaged in counterterrorism efforts in Yemen since the early 2000s, fighting AQAP, the Islamic State, and affiliate groups. Since 2002, the U.S. has launched nearly 400 air strikes associated with counterterrorism efforts in Yemen. Policymakers fear that the instability in Yemen will embolden […]