Ukraine and the Changing Transatlantic Security Order

The Shadow of War Returns to Europe The post-Cold War security environment in Europe was characterized by the diminishing influence of Russia, which saw its former Warsaw Pact allies gradually integrated into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU). Russia under President Vladimir Putin considered this expansion detrimental to its security […]
Introduction to U.S.─France Relations

Introduction France is a founding member of NATO, the European Union, and holds permanent membership and veto power on the UN Security Council. France has influence in all three of these organizations, as well as an extensive military, with the world’s third largest nuclear arsenal. It maintains a strong diplomatic presence across the globe and […]
Introduction to US-Serbian Relations

Source: Encyclopedia Britannica Serbia, a country of over ten million people with a unique cultural background and ties to two different global powers, is a key player in US foreign policy. Serbia is a country that has existed as the battleground between Europe and Asia. Serbia was part of the Austria-Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Empire, and […]
US Response to the EU Energy Crisis

Over the course of the past six months, the United States committed to several EU-U.S. trade agreements to support the European economy in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The US aims to reduce the European Union economy’s dependence on Russian gas and oil. The EU and the US have restricted energy imports […]
Understanding US-EU Agricultural Trade Policy

Reading time: 3 minutes
The Future of Nord Stream 2

Reading time: 3 minutes
Introduction to Post-Brexit Britain

Reading time: 4 minutes
Introduction to The New Atlantic Charter

Reading time: 3 minutes
Failures and Successes of the EU

Reading time: 4 minutes
Failures and Successes of NATO

Reading time: 5 minutes