Introduction to Russia-West Africa Relations

The “New Scramble for Africa” is a phrase newly adopted by many in the field of foreign policy, defining the latest form of colonialism where global powers seek control of strategic resources on the African continent. The phrase derived from the 1884-5 Berlin Conference, in which thirteen European countries and the United States met in […]
The Future of Nord Stream 2

Reading time: 3 minutes
China’s Role in the Ukrainian Crisis and Sino-Russian Relations Viewed from Washington D.C.

Reading time: 3 minutes
Introduction to US-Azerbaijan Relations

Reading time: 4 minutes
The Southern Gas Corridor and European Energy

Reading time: 3 minutes
Introduction to Kazakhstan

Reading time: 4 minutes
Turkey’s Strategy in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Reading time: 4 minutes
Introduction to the OSCE

Reading time: 4 minutes
Russian Foreign Agent Laws: Protecting Civil Society, or Preventing It?

Reading time: 3 minutes
Ukraine Crisis and U.S. Sanctions Part 2

Reading time: 3 minutes