Intro to US – South African Relations

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

Introduction South Africa holds a prominent position in Africa as a major economic force with one of the continent’s largest economies and high human development scores. It actively participates in regional UN Peacekeeping operations and hosts the Pan-African Parliament’s permanent seat. Additionally, South Africa wields considerable soft power, using its distinctive national history and narrative […]

Successes and Failures of U.S Sanctions on Russian Oligarchs

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

Introduction Following the Russian Federations invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the nation’s oligarch class came into the spotlight as the United States and its allies implemented sweeping sanctions on Russia. In the context of Russia, oligarchs refer to individuals with immense wealth and influence in the Russian political system. The interdependent relationship between the oligarchs […]

US Response to Conflict with al-Shabaab in Somalia

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

Introduction The United States developed a diplomatic relationship with Somalia in 1960 following its independence from British and Italian rule. After a period of stagnation between the two countries throughout the 1990s, the United States formally recognized the new federal government of Somalia (FGS) in 2013. While the United States has worked with Somalia to […]

U.S. Relations With China Regarding Technology

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

Introduction Over the last four decades, China’s remarkable growth has shaped the world. With an average annual GDP increase of 9% since its economic reforms began in 1978, the country has lifted 800 million Chinese citizens out of poverty. Today, China is responsible for close to 5% of the world’s production. Now, China has shifted […]

Policy Options: U.S. Response to Shifts in India-Russia Relations

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

India is at a crossroads between its historical relationship with Russia and its growing relationship with the United States. Shifts in the global security order, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the strengthening bond between Russia and China, and India’s cooperation with the U.S. on trade, technology, and security, are changing the dynamics of these relationships. […]

Failures and Success of International Fisheries Management

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

International fisheries management is the combined efforts of nations across the globe to ensure long-term operational success of fisheries and marine resources. It depends on setting realistic policies and establishing regulations that take both marine conservation and the economies of fishing communities into account. International fisheries management is crucial to ensuring that the global ocean […]

Failures and Successes of the Paris Agreement

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

Introduction The Paris Agreement, passed at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in 2015, is an international legislation addressing climate change. Though not the first of its kind, it has had a significant impact on the geopolitical landscape. Despite facing setbacks and failures, the agreement has proven to be effective in addressing climate change, […]

Effects of War in Ukraine on the Global Space Industry

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

The space industry is a collaborative, international field of study. Space agencies rely on states’ diplomatic efforts to establish and sustain partnerships that facilitate manned and unmanned missions to space. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022 had significant diplomatic ramifications, particularly because Russia is a major player in the space industry. Waves of […]

Understanding Critical Resource Extraction in the Arctic

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

The Arctic Region The Arctic is the northernmost region of the Earth, centered on the North Pole. Most scientists define the Arctic as the area within the Arctic Circle, a line of latitude approximately 66.5° north of the Equator. The Arctic is home to more than 4 million people, including indigenous people such as the […]

Introduction to the New Transatlantic Agenda

Alliance for Citizen Engagement

Background Following the Second World War, the United States and Western European powers have built a strong relationship based on shared values such as democracy, free trade, and human rights, culminating in the New Transatlantic Agenda. The New Transatlantic Agenda was an agreement signed between the US and the EU in 1995, which outlined commitments […]