Vyda Nguyen - Vyda Nguyen

Vyda studies Political Science at Baylor University. She was a traveling member of the research-based organization, Model United Nations where she conducted research analyzing legislative works and contextualizing UN documents on member states such as Malaysia and France. She has developed briefings and papers on a range of topics such as climate change, human rights, and non-proliferation. She continued cultivating her acquired research skills by working as a legal intern for a local Waco law firm, researching 20 hours of court post-trial methods to assist with a Child Protective Services Pilot Project. She also worked as an Afterschool math tutor, as she loves working with kids, and as a Baylor Law School desk worker, where she would assist law students with mock trials, serving as a witness. Her passion for foreign policy began when she studied abroad in France, where she studied U.S. Diplomacy under a former diplomat and U.S. Consulate General. Her studies focused on case studies such as U.S. foreign policy with China, where she developed an interest in Chinese expansion and influence. Upon independent research, her interest is particularly in Chinese expansion, across the globe, into Latin America.



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