Vishal Sareddy

Vishal Sareddy is an incoming sophomore intending to study Political Economy and Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley. He is from the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia but has also lived in Huntsville, Alabama and the cities of Hyderabad and Bengaluru in India when he was younger. Vishal is especially interested in global geopolitics, international economic policy, and political theory but has a general curiosity about any subject matter related to geography, political science, or economics. He has spearheaded efforts to improve access to geographic education worldwide as part of the not-for-profit organization GeoGenius; and some of his past research topics include the influence of religion on political violence in India, the stability of Xi Jinping’s government in China, the present-day relationship between authoritarian and democratic styles of government and political order, and the possible connection between complex interdependence advanced by neoliberal economists and dependency theory. In his free time, Vishal enjoys reading realistic fiction and non-fiction, running and hiking, playing and watching basketball, and travelling to new places.



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