Tatevik Nersisyan

Tatevik Nersisyan is a graduating third-year at UC Berkeley studying Political Science and Public Policy. Her policy priorities include environmental protection and the advancement of sustainable development. Through her fellowship with ACE, Tatevik hopes to highlight the intersection between economic and housing policy and sustainability, with research that aims to emphasize the significance of sustainable policy across various facets of daily life.

Alongside her position as an Economic & Housing Policy Summer Research Fellow at ACE, Tatevik is an administrative board member of a student run think tank at UC Berkeley, a research team leader for sustainable student government initiatives, and the president of UC Berkeley’s Armenian Students’ Association. After graduation, Tatevik hopes to continue to positively impact policy efficacy through enriching the available pool of transparent and relevant data in various fields that intersect with environmental policy. Looking ahead, Tatevik hopes to continue studying public policy and is planning on getting her Master’s Degree in the future.


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