Peyton Singletary - Peyton Singletary

Peyton Singletary is a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania where she studies Health and Societies in order to understand and explore the intersection between health sciences and social issues amongst marginalized groups. As a summer intern for Congressman Steny Hoyer’s office, Peyton drafted constituent letters for immigration cases and explored the mechanisms of local immigration policy within her Maryland community. Peyton also holds a background in International Relations research, specifically Global Risk and Prediction. As a former Pioneer Academics researcher, Peyton worked with Professor of Global Risk at New York University, Maha Aziz, to cultivate a comprehensive 16-page composition on political risks, prediction, and prevention strategy within Venezuela. As an ACE Fellow, Peyton intends to draw on her academic and professional experiences to design policy briefs that address the ongoing divisive policy issues regarding immigration from a diverse range of countries.



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