

Maxwell White attended Sturgis Charter Public School where he first came to experience international issues through the school’s Model United Nations club. He has been a member of the organization all throughout high school, attending all but one conference in New York City each year to discuss the researched issues with other Model UN students from other schools. Through the experiences, the conferences and research taught him to appreciate the differences in others’ perspectives, having represented five countries, each with different views on issues. Now an economics major at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, he continues to participate in Model UN at the national level. In his spare time, Max enjoys reading, hiking, and biking.

Max took the ACE job because he believed it would serve as the next step towards a profession in international affairs beyond the Model UN simulations. Having voted for the first time in his life in the most recent 2020 elections, Max has come to place more importance to political issues. ACE will be a great resource for him to not only better understand both international and domestic issues, but also to improve his research skills to produce better work to help others make better decisions on the issues.


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