Eden is a rising third-year student at the University of Georgia pursuing degrees in both Spanish and Cellular Biology, and plans to enroll dually as a graduate MPH student this fall. Originally intending to attend medical school after graduation, Eden now aspires to enter the field of epidemiological research. There isn’t a topic in public health that doesn’t interest them, whether is be parasitology and communicable diseases or mental health; additionally, Eden is passionate about reproductive and sexual health issues due to personal experience with disorders such as polycystic ovarian syndrome. Growing up lower-income in rural Georgia and with multiple chronic health conditions, they saw first hand the disparities in healthcare though out the country. Eden feels that healthcare should be not only available but affordable to all, and plans to focus on policy related to the prices of prescription medications. Not limited to sciences, Eden enjoys studying linguistics and is learning Spanish as a second language. When not studying, they are fulfilling their role as Vice President of their university’s Knit and Crochet Club or participating in events for Friends of Medecins sin Frontieres or Out in STEM.