Divya is a third-year undergraduate at the University of Georgia studying public health. While having applied to UGA as an intended pharmaceutical sciences major, she became increasingly interested in health policy and research. She changed her major after becoming more aware of the health disparities that individuals in her hometown experience. Divya realized that while pharmacy was a field that allowed her to build individual relationships, she advocated for a systemic change that would address the factors for health disparities. Divya is intent on pursuing an MPH in health policy and management and is in the process of exploring different universities. After changing her major, Divya joined an investigative reporting team for the New York Amsterdam News, where she researches and writes articles pertinent to relevant public health issues and debunking public health myths. Her research includes conducting interviews with professors and public health experts and fact-checking my sources to develop articles that are unbiased and accurate. In her free time, Divya enjoys spending time with her friends and baking. She values journaling and self-reflection.