Alison Stevens - Alison Stevens

Alison (she/her) is a Masters of Public Policy (MPP) candidate at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University. Her concentration is in Health Policy. She is particularly interested in health disparities and policies that impact our most vulnerable populations.

Alison returned to school after six years in the working world in order to help shape the coming sea change in the American healthcare system. She spent three of those years delving into Illinois Medicaid policy; her work involved tracking the roll-out of Managed Care and helping to educate providers, advocates, state employees, and consumers on evolving policy and implementation. She has worked closely with people on the margins of society and as a result has gained a particular appreciation for how fact-based health policy and accessible coverage is too often a matter of life and death.

In her free time, Alison enjoys watching nature documentaries, writing and reading fiction, and communing with the local swans while kayaking.



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