Aidan Scible - Aidan Scible

Aidan is a rising junior at Middlebury College in Vermont, studying Political Science and Arabic. He is President of the Middlebury Chapter of the Roosevelt Network and a member of the Middlebury Debate Society. Outside of academics, he has worked as an intern at a law firm specializing in immigration law, and as a campaign intern for the mayor of Burlington, Vermont.

Aidan first became interested in immigration policy after studying Spanish and entering high school. He wrote his senior capstone project on how public diplomacy tools can be used to increase acceptance of refugees. He later wrote a news story covering the struggles of refugees and asylees in Baltimore during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Aidan is a proud native of Baltimore, Maryland. His hobbies include trying way too hard at trivia, reading about former U.S. presidents, and camping with friends.



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