General Health Care

Transgender healthcare in the U.S. falls into two categories: general healthcare services for transgender individuals and transgender-related services. 

Prior to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), many transgender individuals had limited access to both general healthcare services and transgender-related services. Being transgender was considered a pre-existing condition, which meant that health insurance companies could legally charge a transgender patient higher premiums or deny them coverage. The ACA made that practice illegal in 2014. Two years later, the federal government provided another layer of legal protection by adding gender identity to Section 1557 of the law, which already prohibited discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. 

As a result, transgender individuals in the US now have the right to purchase insurance and receive general health servces equal to cisgender people. However, that does not necessarily mean that gender affirmation services are guaranteed to be covered.

What are Gender Affirmation Services?

Transgender is an umbrella term used to refer to individuals whose gender identity does not align with the sex they were assigned at birth. Many members of this population experience discomfort in their body as a result, potentially leading to psychological distress. The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) calls this gender dysphoria

While previous versions of the DSM instead listed “Gender Identity Disorder”, the authors of the DSM-5 concluded that there is nothing inherently wrong with varied gender identities and classifying them as a disorder was, like the inclusion of “homosexuality” in the DSM until 1973, unneccessarily stigmatizing. The DSM-5 clarifies that having a non-traditional gender identity is not an issue. However, if a person experiences persistent distress as a result of the conflict between their body and their identity, that “gender dysphoria” is a disorder in need of treatment. Effective treatment involves altering the person’s gender expression and body to better align with their identity. Gender affirmation services are medical services that achieve this purpose. Types of gender affirmation services include:

Types of Insurance

Whether a person experiencing gender dysphoria is able to access treatment depends largely on what type of insurance they have. 

According to, transgender individuals should look in contracts for: