Alliance for Citizen Engagement

Kamala Harris- Vice Presidential Candidate



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US Senator for California, 32nd District Attorney of California, and Current 49th Vice President.


Top 3 Issues

On Vice President Harris’s Economic Opportunity Tour, she highlights how the Biden-Harris administration will revitalize the economy. The administration has invested in small businesses leading to the “fastest creation of Black-owned small businesses” in over 30 years. These investments include increasing underserved communities’ access to capital, strengthening the country’s overall infrastructure, and forgiving the most student loan debt in any presidential administration. She also supports the Economic Opportunity Coalition, which aims to partner the public and private sectors together, resulting in the investment of billions of dollars to create opportunity and grow the wealth of underserved communities. Harris states that the goal of these investments is to expand access to health care and cut insulin prices, boost educational investments, make housing more affordable, and increase the wealth of American families.

Harris believes that women should have the right to make their own decisions regarding their reproductive health. She opposes a national abortion ban and has taken steps to urge Congress to restore the reproductive protections originally granted in Roe v. Wade. The Biden-Harris Administration has fought for reproductive freedom by protecting FDA-approved medication abortion, supporting those who must travel to seek reproductive health care, and protecting the privacy of patients and health care providers.

The Biden-Harris Administration is taking steps to address the climate crisis by investing about one trillion dollars over the course of ten years to create clean energy and produce billions of dollars in “clean energy money.” Harris has also taken steps to ensure that clean energy is present in both urban and rural communities across the nation by meeting with community leaders from across the nation. The goal of the Biden-Harris Administration is to reduce climate pollution in the economy and place the United States on track to achieve net-zero emissions no later than the year 2050.


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