
Abortion, also known as pregnancy termination, has been a deeply polarizing topic in politics with divergent views shaping policy and public discourse. The Republican party views on abortion typically center around a pro-life stance, advocating for restrictions on abortion access. This is under the belief that life begins at conception and therefore the conservative party highly supports protecting the rights of the unborn fetus. On the other hand, Democratic tend to be pro-choice, therefore their views on abortion prioritize reproductive rights and access to abortion healthcare/services. With this ongoing debate, the U.S. The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, ending the constitutional guarantee for abortion access and allowing individual states to decide on regulations. Consequently, abortion and reproductive rights have emerged as pivotal topics in the discourse surrounding the 2024 presidential election.

Dean Phillips 

Dean Phillips advocates for abortion rights and reproductive freedom, emphasizing the importance of  Roe v. Wade to protect women’s health decisions. As a member of the Pro-Choice Caucus in Congress, he champions the belief that women should have the freedom to make personal decisions about their health, including reproductive health. In response to the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade, Phillips co-sponsored and voted for several bills, including the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act and the Women’s Health Protection Act. 


“The Supreme Court’s decision to unravel decades of settled law and allow states to outlaw abortion with no exceptions is both dangerous and shortsighted, and Congress must take action to codify Roe and protect a woman’s right to make decisions about her health.

“Women clearly deserve—but still do not have—equal rights in this country.

“I remember my mother wearing a green ‘ERA Now’ pin almost 50 years ago, and it is outrageous that we still have not ratified it. I will continue to be a fierce advocate for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and the advancement of women’s health, economic security, and reproductive freedom in Congress.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Kennedy initially expressed support for a three-month federal abortion ban, which diverged from the typical stance of his party. However, he has backtracked and claims that he does not support legislation banning abortion, emphasizing his commitment to reproductive rights. Despite this, Kennedy has struggled to outline a clear policy plan on the issue and has not explicitly stated his views on abortion access.


“ Mr. Kennedy supports a woman’s right to choose. He believes the issue of late-term abortions is being used to artificially divide the American public” – Kennedy Campaign

“Mr. Kennedy believes it is not up to the government to intervene in these difficult medical and moral choices. That should be left up to the woman and her doctor”-  – Kennedy Campaign

Jill Stein:

Stein has previously advocated for abortion rights and has been critical of Democratic officials for failing to protect reproductive rights established by Roe v. Wade. She has called for all women to have access to family planning and contraception and supports implementing substantive measures to safeguard abortion rights. 


“ A woman’s right to access safe abortion is a non-negotiable human right.

“I applaud SCOTUS decision to uphold a woman’s right to access a safe abortion.

Nikki Haley:

Haley takes a pro-life stance on abortion but also aims to seek national consensus on abortion access, acknowledging the polarization of the issue in a divided nation. While campaigning for president, Haley has avoided specifics on the number of weeks at which abortion should be federally banned, emphasizing her goal of finding consensus at the national level. Overall, she claims her main focus is on supporting mothers and saving as many babies as possible, regardless of differing state approaches to abortion rights.


“As much as I’m pro-life, I don’t judge anyone for being pro-choice, and I don’t want them to judge me for being pro-life”

“there’re some states that are going more on the pro-life side. I welcome that. There’re some states that are going more on the pro-choice side. I wish that wasn’t the case, but the people decided.

 “Let’s focus on how to save as many babies as we can, and support as many moms as we can.”

Cornel West:

West has pledged to establish abortion rights as a constitutional mandate, a difficult process that involves working with individual states on the controversial issue.He frequently links reproductive rights to broader social justice causes, such as combating racism and poverty, and has vocally supported activists advocating for abortion access following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. 


“Protecting the reproductive rights of women and ending all forms of patriarchy.”- West Campaign 

“Many of my conservative brothers and sisters know that the child poverty rate in the United States, roughly 21%–it’s much higher among Black and Brown. So, if they’re committed to the well-being of the child, you would think they would be on the cutting edge of eliminating child poverty. So, they’re concerned about the child on the inside. That strikes me as not that concerned about imago Dei, not that concerned about the sanctity and dignity of children.”- West on Republicans being more concerned about abortion than child poverty

Marianne Williamson:

Williamson supports abortion rights, affirming that the decision to have an abortion rests entirely with the pregnant woman. She is fully pro-choice and opposes government interference in reproductive decisions. Williamson emphasizes the importance of expanding women’s understanding of alternatives to abortion but also opposes any attempts to restrict or limit abortion access, arguing that such measures would disproportionately harm marginalized and low-income individuals. As president, she pledges to vigorously defend and protect reproductive rights, resisting any efforts to undermine the freedoms guaranteed by Roe v. Wade.


“Regarding abortion rights, I am one hundred percent pro-choice.I believe the decision of whether or not to have an abortion lies solely with a pregnant woman, according to the dictates of her conscience and in communion with the God of her understanding. I trust the moral decision-making of the American woman, and I do not feel the government has a right to deny or restrict her decisions”

“I believe abortion is a moral issue, but it is an issue of private, not public morality. I do not believe government has that right to legislate our private morals.

“I would vigorously resist any effort to restrict, limit, or diminish the reproductive rights and freedoms granted by Roe v. Wade”

Donald Trump: 

 Trump has consistently taken a pro-life stance on abortion and played a primary role in the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Throughout his presidency, he implemented policies aimed at restricting abortion access, such as appointing conservative judges to federal courts and supporting measures to defund Planned Parenthood.  However he is noncommittal on a federal ban on abortion and believes that it should ultimately be left to the states. 


“That’s why when I’m re-elected, I will continue to fight against the demented late-term abortionists in the Democrat Party who believe in unlimited abortion on demand and even executing babies after birth”

“Because I am pro-life, and I will be appointing pro-life judges, I would think that that will go back to the individual states. If we put another two or perhaps three justice on, that’s really what’s going to be. That’ll happen automatically, in my opinion, because I am putting pro-life justices on the court. I will say this: It will go back to the states, and the states will then make a determination.”

“As far as Planned Parenthood is concerned, I’m pro-life. I’m totally against abortion, having to do with Planned Parenthood … And I wouldn’t fund it. I would defund it because of the abortion factor, which they say is 3%. I don’t know what percentage it is. They say it’s 3%. But I would defund it, because I’m pro-life. ”

Joe Biden: 

Biden puts reproductive rights on the forefront of his campaign and urges Congress to protect the right to abortion, as established by Roe v. Wade, into law. He has affirmed his commitment to vetoing any legislation that seeks to federally ban abortions. In addition, he has signed executive orders to expand access to contraception and family planning services. Biden has also defended access to mifepristone, an abortion medication, citing the FDA’s authority to approve prescription drugs.


“As long as I have power of the presidency, if Congress were to pass a national abortion ban, I would veto it.

“Stop playing politics with the women’s lives and freedom. Let doctors do their job,”

“I said … on that day that Roe was overturned, the health and lives of women in this nation would now be at risk … And that has unfortunately proven to be true. They’ve been at risk.”