Andrew Flay is currently a 3rd year majoring in history at the University of Virginia. He first engaged with policy analysis whilst working with the State Department at the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany, publishing an issues brief on an emerging crime trend across Germany and the Benelux states. He then continued his policy work through several academic courses at the University, broadening his skillset to encompass a more rigorous approach to research. An avid serious debater, Andrew has seized opportunities throughout his life to engage in the art of oratory, tackling complex policy issues that face the world today, and communicating those arguments eloquently. Having grown up in the Foreign Service, Andrew was exposed to a wide variety of different cultural milieus since a very young age, which has informed his approach to policy issues as one of universality. adaptability and pragmatism. With respect to hobbies, Andrew can often be found riding his mountain bike on Observatory Hill, or lounging on the Lawn.