Deanna Suzor, University of Maine-Presque Isle

Linkedin Deanna Suzor is currently a junior at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, majoring in communications and journalism. She has a background in horticulture and agriculture. She holds an associate degree in Environmental Horticulture and is a certified permaculture designer. She’s also an active member of Garden Communicators International. Ecological Landscape Association, Northeast Organic […]
Shriya Samudrala, University of California-Irvine

Hello! My name is Shriya Samudrala and I am from the Inland Empire in California. I graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a degree in Public Health and am currently applying to medical schools. I have been researching for two years on public health issues such as nutrition, mental health, and the COVID-19 […]
Understanding Vaccine Passports

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