War on Drugs Crossword
1. Federal agency tasked with enforcing drug control laws.
2. Plant species commonly utilized for its psychoactive properties, also known as marijuana.
3. The process of making changes to laws or policies to improve them.
4. To officially permit or authorize by law.
5. Abbreviation for proposition, referring to a proposed measure or amendment on a ballot.
6. A harmful or fatal reaction caused by consuming an excessive amount of a drug.
7. A chronic condition characterized by compulsive drug use despite adverse consequences.
8. Interventions or programs designed to assist individuals in overcoming substance dependency.
9. Illicit trade or commerce in illegal goods, including controlled substances.
10. To reduce or eliminate criminal penalties for certain acts, such as drug possession.
11. Pertaining to the use of substances for therapeutic purposes.
12. Historical period in the United States when the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol were banned.
13. A category of drugs that are often addictive and used to relieve pain, typically controlled by law.
14. A formal proposal for a new law or policy, often submitted to a public vote.