Focus: Political Priorities Worksheet

What is the PPW?
The Political Priorities Worksheet maps user’s priorities to identify top political issues to focus on which could become the center of their political participation. It also helps the user think through other factors which influence which politicians and organizations they want to support.
Estimated time: 5 minutes, depending on how familiar the user is with their main public policy issues.
Part of an organization or group?
Do you want receive a custom results page for your group/organization? You’ll be asked if you’re taking the survey as part of a group or organization – if you are, click ‘yes’ and type in your organization’s name and year before you begin. For example, if Colgate Debate 2021. Every person who enters this code while taking our Political Priorities Worksheet will be counted as part of your group, and you’ll receive a personalized results page which reflects both your personal priorities as well as those of your peers.
When you are ready to receive your group/organization results, email us with the code you’ve been sharing and we’ll send you the link to your organisations personalised results page!