ACE provides trustworthy, unbiased, and accessible policy resources for youth voters.

ACE is a nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank driven by the next generation of policy researchers. Established by and for youth voters, ACE is dedicated to empowering young voices in shaping policy decisions. >> Meet our team


Research Areas

The Criminal Justice System is made up of three factors: law enforcement, courts, and corrections. ACE’s criminal justice research focuses on the history of the criminal justice system and how it has adapted, or remained the same, throughout decades of movements and liberation. >>Read more

Democratic governance explores the systems, structures and nuances of democratic systems. In addition, this research area includes the transitions countries are making both towards and away from democracy. >>Read more

ACE’s Economic research currently focuses on National Debt, which is the accumulation of the federal budget deficits plus interest. The federal budget deficit is how much more the federal government spends than it takes in through taxes. >>Read more

ACE’s Economic research currently focuses on National Debt, which is the accumulation of the federal budget deficits plus interest. The federal budget deficit is how much more the federal government spends than it takes in through taxes. >>Read more

Foreign Policy is the way a country regulates and dictates how it will interact with other countries governments, economies, and citizens. ACE has research teams focused on the following regions:

  1. Africa
  2. Asia
  3. Central & Latin America
  4. Eurasia
  5. Middle East & North Africa

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Housing policy refers to government action to address housing supply, affordability, quality, and historical inequalities. >> Read more

Human Rights and Equality refers to the basic rights, freedoms, and opportunities afforded to all people. ACE’s Human Rights and Equality team works to cultivate research that informs citizens of the various violations and inequalities that disenfranchised populations face. >> Read more

Immigration is the movement of people across national borders, and the policies which regulate that movement. Immigration can be voluntary or forced, permanent or temporary.

ACE’s research on immigration focuses on both:

  1. Voluntary migration or migration encompasses permanent migration like the diversity visa program or family sponsorship, and temporary migration like work or student visas.
  2. Forced migration or migration which occurs when people do not choose to leave their homes, but are forced to due to violence or persecution. 

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The Local Governance Project is a prestigious, ACE-sponsored fellowship where students identify a primary issue in their home communities using the Political Priorities Worksheet, and identify and explore potential local government responses to that issue. Fellows present their findings to local government decision-makers and to their communities. This project speaks to one of ACE’s primary goals: empowering citizens to engage in the democratic process. >> Read more

Nuclear nonproliferation refers to policies taken to discourage the spread of nuclear weapons. This research project also explores issues around nuclear energy and foreign policy. >> Read more

Public health policy refers to local, state, and national government actions, support, and regulation related to the health of the population. >> Read more

In today’s digital world, citizens and policymakers face challenges unimaginable to our predecessors. Artificial Intelligence, privacy, and cybersecurity are just a few of the revolutionary technology sectors which continue to change our world. >> Read more

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A Guide to the Democratic National Convention DNC Night Day 4 Key Speakers
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A Guide to the DNC: Day 4

The fourth and final night of the Democratic National Convention featured the theme “For the Future,” encapsulating the

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ACE Research
A Guide to the DNC: Day 3

Wednesday, August 21st, marked the third day of the Democratic National Convention. The theme for the night was

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A Guide to the DNC: Day 2

Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) featured speeches from the descendants of prominent political figures, as

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A Guide to the DNC: Day 1

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